28 Days!!!






Maxi Dress: c/o Pink Blush Maternity (sold out) loving this one though!  Other PBM dresses here | Levi Jacket: Old Navy | Sandals: Jcrew Factory | Necklaces: c/o Made By Mary | Bag: c/o Lily Jade | Bracelet: Stella and Dot Renegade

Shop of few of my favorites!!

When I grow babies I don’t mess around!!  I honestly cannot believe how ginormous this belly is.  I wish you guys could feel it – it’s hard as a rock.  And you can see elbows and knees and feet just scraping and sliding all over the place.  There is literally NO room in there!  Being only 5’2″ though I half expected it to be this way.  I’ve gotta say, I’m in awe of the female body.  It’s ability to grow and stretch and then to snap back in place like nothing ever happened.  I guess snapping back into place makes it seem like it happens quickly but I can’t think of another phrase!  For me it doesn’t happen quickly, but it does happen.  I remember after having Boston feeling like I’d never be the same.  That there was no way I’d fit into my old clothes ever again!  And while I was left with a small scar and stretch marks to remind me of those months I carried him, the scar eventually healed and the stretch marks faded.  I lost the baby weight and more and ended up in better shape than before I’d had kids.  The human body is an amazing thing and I’m so grateful to have a healthy one!

The 30 day count down is on!  I have a c-section scheduled for June 1 so assuming I don’t go earlier, there’s 28 days left until we get to meet these little dudes.  I had an emergency c-section with Boston, his birth story was truly a nightmare.  Because I was so nervous to have a similar experience, we scheduled a c-section with Savy and it was amazing.  Because I’ve already had two c-sections and I’m having twins I’ve got no choice but to go under the knife.  Which honestly is fine with me because I know what to expect now.  Have any of you guys had a c-section?  Any of you had both?  Which did you prefer?  Either way, I hope your babies ended up being healthy and happy!  Here’s to four more weeks!!!!

Abby Smith

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22 thoughts on “28 Days!!!

  1. You look awesome for growing two babies. I had an emergency csection for my son and I don’t know if I could have a v-bac!

  2. Your FIL, Dr. Smith, has done all four of my c sections. My first was breech with the cord around her neck and so we’ve done all of the others c section. My 3rd was my fastest, easiest recovery, so I’m hoping the same thing for you. Good luck, pretty girl!

  3. Hi Abby! I just thought I’d comment because I have had 2 c-sections and 1 VBAC with Zona. Because Gray was breech I had to have a section and Tage was just a repeat section but my doctor started doing VBAC’s so I thought I’d give it a try. Not knowing what I was getting myself into I started feeling labor pains at 6:00pm and delivered her at 8:04pm. It was the fastest most painful thing ever! I’m glad you had a scheduled c-section. If I have another one (don’t know if I could handle one) then I will definitely schedule a section so I don’t give birth in the car on the way. Ha ha

    1. I didn’t know you did a VBAC with Zona! I’m glad everything went well, holy crap that’s a fast labor!! Yeah for some reason Im just content with C-sections. I have no desire to chance it because of my experience with Boston!

  4. I love your blog and youtube channel! I can’t begin to tell you how happy and excited I am to see you are have two healthy baby boys! I was pregnant with twins this time last year and at 11 weeks twin b miscarried. It was very hard and I was so upset. The only good thing that came out of that experience was my beautiful 4 month baby boy which was twin a. I’m so happy to see your twins are healthy and will be here in just a few weeks! I’ve had 3 csections. We have 1 girl and 2 boys. My first wasn’t an emergency but it wasn’t planned. She was a 9lb baby and I’m the same size as you so she wasn’t going to come the natural way lol. After that we did all scheduled csections and they have all been amazing an great recoveries. If you haven’t already buy yourself a BellyBandit or something similar it is a life saver! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family! Can’t wait to see the big announcement when they are born 🙂

    1. Aw, thanks Virginia! I’m so sorry to hear you lost Baby B. I would be crushed. And thanks for the advice with the belly bandit, I’m gonna goolge that right now!!!

      1. Thanks for commenting back! That made my night! I’m really impressed with the fact that you are still uploading videos and blogging so close to the twins coming. At this pohnt most women dont want to leave their beds because they are so uncomfortable lol.

  5. My first birth was a nightmare C-section after about 20 hours of labor, 11 with an epidural. I was in so much pain for weeks afterward. My second was a beautiful 7 hour V Bac at a friend’s house in CO (it was illegal in WY at the time).My third was an 8 hour home birth, a little tougher than the second one,though. But yes, the female body is aah-maz-ing!

  6. My first pregnancy (1st setof twins) was an unmedicated vag delivery at 39w3d. Twin A pulled their placenta off the wall before B was born, A had her cord around her neck twice and was gray, no breath sounds… Traumatic but complication free through labor. After delivery sucked.

    Second set was a scheduled C-section at 35 weeks due to Vic of twin B. Spinals and epidurals dont work on me so it was a general anesthesia. Flawless but scary delivery with unknown of how the umbilical cord would hold.

    Third delibery, my only single baby, was a unmedicated VBAC aside from nausea meds. But he was found to have his umbilical cord around his neck so he was a pit induced early delivery at 32w2d.

    Honestly; my c section was my easiest delivery and the best recovery.

    Either way. Here’s to a flawless delivery and recovery!!

  7. I had an emergency c-section my twin boys at almost 35 weeks due to a concern with twin to twin transfusion. Both boys ended up being totally healthy, only 2 ounces apart in weight, just early. I am now pregnant again and we’re hoping for a vbac this time around. You look amazing!!

  8. I havent personally had a c section. But my sister in law had 2 sets of twins and had c sections with them both. Her recovery was normal, the babies were premature (they decided to come early..) but the delivery and both sets were just fine. 🙂 You are such a cute mama! Dont worry too much. Having 4 sets of twins in my family.. they are a blast!!


  9. OH. MY. GOSH. I had the same experience! My first’s birth was terrible, exhausting, and ended in an emergency c-section. It was the worst. My second, I realized there was A LOT of anxiety with delivery and elected for another c-section and it was THE BEST experience of my life. Just what this momma needed. Healing was a breeze too! You are adorable! Hoping for a speedy recovery and can’t wait to see those two adorable baby boys! 🙂

  10. 3 c-sections and the first was an emergency… Not fun (a bit scary in fact, beforehand, even when it is planned) but everything turned out fine and i know i didn’t have the worst recoveries by far! You still look wonderful!

  11. I had a c-section too, and I was glad I did! It was not planned, but it was fine. Delivery and healing went well, and my scar is so tiny. I would definitely go that route again. Your twins birth will be so relaxed 🙂

  12. You look beautiful! I have had both a c-section and natural delivery. My first was a c-section due to placenta previa and my second was a VBAC…with twins! I kind of did it backwards :). Both were amazing experiences.

  13. I love your post! My first baby was an emergency c section too and a complete nightmare. I’m 7 weeks away from having my second and I scheduled the c section months ago. It has given me lots of peace through this pregnancy. You look amazing and I hope you have a safe delivery!

  14. Just had my second scheduled c section, and I am amazed that 2 weeks post surgery, I am feeling like my old self again and up and moving around like surgery never happened! Our bodies are amazing! Hope all goes well with the babies coming and your surgery. Hope you have lots of help lined up because I went from 2 kids to 3, and it has been a challenge. Can’t imagine jumping from 2 to 4. You twin mama’s are amazing!

  15. You are growing those babies beautifully. I had my first as a semi emergency c-section. My second was all natural(although he is a micro preemie so I don’t know if that experience is the same) you’re doing great.

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