I have gotten so many emails on this Tassel Garland. So I thought I’d make a quick tutorial. And ps, I already know I spelled Tassellllll wrong. Der. And then I was too lazy to fix it. Oh wells.
From start to finish this project probably took a couple hours. I wasn’t concentrating too hard though… I just started Nashville. Ohhhh my heck, it’s amazing.
>>>> half a sheet of tissue paper per tassel
>>>> scissors
…….. ribbon/cord
>>>> hot glue
Gather materials. I had a really hard time finding the mylar tissue paper so I purchased a mylar tablecloth for three bucks at Zurchers. Then I just cut it to size. I believe the standard tissue paper size is somewhere around 20×20. Just make sure to cut it to the size of your tissue paper.
>>> Step 1: Open your tissue paper and put five or six pieces of together. Then fold them in half and in half the other way. The more pieces of tissue paper you have the less tears you’ll get in the paper from your cutter. Tissue paper is so thin! So in half hot dog then in half hamburger 🙂 Then you’ll start cutting tiny little strips. Make sure to leave at least 1″ uncut at the top fold line. Once all the strips are cut, unfold the tissue paper. This takes some time as you need to be so super careful not to tear your tassels. Once your paper is open, find the center and cut each paper in half so that you have two sheets of fringe. Remember, one tissue paper makes two tassels.
>>> Step 2: Begin rolling tightly down the middle crease
>>> Step 3: Continue rolling, fold in half and then twist to create a loop for hanging. If yours doesn’t stay in place go ahead and dab a tiny bit of hot glue on them.
Then you’re just going to figure out your pattern and hang them on some ribbon or cord!
Super cute huh?! I’m kind of in love with banners right now. Good thing they’re so cheap and easy to make! If you loved this tutorial I’d love to see it pinned on your boards! Come visit me on Instragram @twistmepretty!
I love this garland, but I am also in love like really in love with the crown, can you give me any pointers on where this is from or how you made it?
Yes I got it from wynne marie ink on etsy. If you scroll further down there is a post and link about the crown!! It’s adorable huh!!
This is soo cute! You’re about the 20th person to say how good Nashville is so I guess I’ll take the plunge!
Again…so great to hear from you at the BYBC13! And love your site!
LOVE! I need to make one!