In the next few months I will be migrating to WordPress. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now as I’ve completely outgrown this space. I will be losing all you beautiful Google Friend Connect Followers and I would LOVE if you could add me to your google + circles or follow me on Facebook. At first I had a hard time appreciating Google +… you could say I was stuck in my old safe ways. It really is the way of the future though and there are some fabulous things about it that make life so much easier. If google + isn’t your thing make sure to like my facebook page, follow me on instagram @twistmepretty or subscribe to my RSS feed. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that in the next couple of months you will no longer be able to follow me via GFC. Google + is FABULOUS so go over there and add me to one of your favorite circles 🙂 Thanks ladies!
Flats: IN LOVE with these. They’re super comfy and true to size. c/o Lulu*s
Top: I love how slimming this top is. Great to wear with leggings because it covers the bum 🙂 c/o Sugar and Love Boutique
Fleece Lined Leggings: The only thing I don’t like about these is that they are a little fragile. They’re made out of nylon so mine have started pilling pretty bad. Luckily they’re black so no one notices! Francesca’s
Bag: c/o Chicwish
Scarf: Francesca’s, in store
Sometimes you just need a good mom outfit. Ya know? One that is super comfy and moves with you. Thank you leggings for making that possible. Being a mom isn’t an excuse to not get ready. None of us have the time, believe me! I promise if you spend a few minutes on yourself, the more happy and willing you’re going to be to serve your family and those around you. And get this, I haven’t washed my hair in five days. Five whole beautiful days. These are leftover curls and because having smushed hair isn’t cute, I added a simple twist to give me some extra height. Annnd leggings basically count as pajama pants… so there’s that. Simple tricks like showering at night and not washing your hair everyday will speed up your routine. Spend just a few minutes on YOU and I swear everything else will fall into place. You just can’t be your best self when you don’t take time for you! Also it’s nice when your husband comes home and he’s like, what the, who are you? You look amazing! haha! If Brian ever did that I’d kill him. But you want to impress that man every single day of your life. So if you don’t do it for yourself, do it for him. He will appreciate it.
What are your favorite tricks that save you time? I shower at night and rarely wash my hair. I’m dying to hear yours. I’m thinking a round up is in order?!
Actually *switching* everything to WordPress is very simple…just Export your blog from Blogger and then Import it to WordPress. (comments and all)
Just got ahold of your hairstyling book based on a recommendation. LOVE and can’t wait to try!
Your in my circles!!!
Dear Abby,
I love this entire outfit (these 2 colors together are amazing!)! You look so lovely! I also love leggings. They are so comfortable and versatile. I love your flat shoes. I’m checking out the website right now. The price is great! The top is so beautiful and the leopard print scarf looks fantastic with it. I totally agree with you about spending some time on ourselves.
How insane! I just made a similar post this morning! I am moving to wordpress as well! Hope the move goes well for you and I cant wait to see the new look!
or follow via bloglovin! i’m in love with it!
I am in love with this outfit! I love these colors together and the way you pulled them together with your leopard print scarf is genius!