How To Be Happy

Twist Me Pretty's Abby wears stylish torn jeans, tan booties, and a hat.

Abby looks fresh on a winter morning.Abby smiles broadly at the camera.

I’ve been feeling the need to share this little story/thought with you… I’m not quite sure why, but I hope it inspires a few of you!  I don’t really know how to title it either… it could be, “how to find happiness” or “how to be a better mom” or “ways to strengthen my relationship with my spouse“. It’s too hard to choose just one because it applies to all!  So I guess I’ll just jump into it.


I DON’T HAVE TIME, MY PLATE IS FULL!!!!!  As a mother with 4 young kids, and a demanding stay at home job, and busy church callings, and a husband who works all the time, I’m busy.  My plate is full.  And serving others doesn’t rank too high on my priority list because it’s straight-up survival mode.  Can anyone else relate?!  But the other day, it hit me… I serve people ALL DAY LONG!  Their names are Boston, Savy, Kai, Cooper, and Brian.  At the time, I was serving them alright, but always begrudgingly.  Annoyed at the piles of laundry, annoyed I had to make dinner, go to the grocery store, taxi people to and from school, help with homework — I mean, the list goes on and on and on.  But in that ah-ha moment, I realized I was serving… just with the wrong attitude.  

  1. Ever since then, I’ve tried really hard to serve my family with love and guess what?  I’m happy.  Joyful even.  And just because I’m not involved in some massive church service project, I still can reap the blessings of living a charitable life.  I found myself humming a little tune while folding the kids’ laundry.  Cherishing the moments we’re in the car together.  I found with a tiny bit of effort, I could actually get them to chat with me and have meaningful and important conversations about life.  And now, when I go out of my way to make a yummy meal, if I have the right attitude, we can sit down together as a family and somehow, our home increases in love.
  5. If you find yourself seeking something and you’re not quite sure what it is, ask the Lord to help you find it!  If you’re unhappy and you can’t figure out why, try serving others.  I’m sure you serve others all day long and haven’t realized it! If your relationship with your spouse is just coasting, go out of your way to serve him.  Make his favorite meal!  Leave a little love note in his briefcase before work.  In all scenarios, service is the answer.  It pulls you out of your head, out of your own struggles, and it aligns you with what the Savior taught: to love one another.

I’m definitely not the poster child.  Having a good attitude is hard and it’s something that I’m constantly working on.  I’ve just found that even the tiniest bit of effort to have one while doing things I’d already be doing goes a long way.

Has there been a time in your life where serving others has given you a new perspective?  Have you ever been overwhelmed with a list of to do’s and found a simple way to serve someone else?  Or have you ever been the recipient of service?

I have, many times.  I remember I had worked really hard at our neighborhood Halloween party, putting it together had exhausted me on all levels.  Afterwards, I was so exhausted and just overwhelmed with picking up the pieces of everything I’d let go to get it done.  The day after the party, my friend brought me a bouquet of flowers with a sweet card that simply thanked me for my hard work.  I just broke down!  Like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.  I’m sure bringing those flowers over didn’t take too much extra time for my friend but it made all the difference to me.  I was overcome with this new hope, a surge of motivation and, after her coming over and chatting with me for a few minutes, I felt like I could make it through the rest of the week.  

If you have a prompting, if you randomly start thinking of someone, act on it!  Take a few muffins out of your left-over basket and deliver them one morning to someone you can’t get off your mind.  Or put your phone away while helping your 7 year old with his homework.  He might just need the extra attention to feel important and valued.

Okay, well now I’m just rambling.  I love you guys and would love to hear your stories of how you’ve either served someone else and it left an impression or how someone has served you and it meant the world.



It's in Abby's details! Learn how to put an outfit together with Twist Me Pretty.

bag: c/o Spartina 449

Casual yet chic - Abby wears ripped jeans and a collared shirt.

A black hat paired with a white, polka dot shirt - pretty.
Cowgirl looks, pairing booties and a hat.I’m pretty much the worst blogger alive! I can’t ever get my posts up before everything I’m wearing is out of stock!  But I’ve linked up a few similar pieces and others that I’ve had my eye on!  My lipstick is LipSense, you can join our Facebook page here (request to join) and we will find you the perfect color! I’m wearing sheer berry here but it’s currently out stock.  There are some really similar colors though if you’re interested — just ask!

Abby Smith

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5 thoughts on “How To Be Happy

  1. Such an awesome outlook and it really helps change my perspective. Sometimes it feels like only the big accomplishments and gestures matter, but finding joy in serving through the little things is bound to make the day to day more rewarding! Thanks for the honestly and thoughts!

  2. I had someone anonymously drop off a plant at my door and a card that simply said “you are enough, just exactly as you are. Love you, friend” I did the same thing as you I just broke down and cried. It was something I was struggling with and it was like a message from God telling me He really did think I was enough! So grateful someone followed such a specific prompting just for me. Thanks for the post Abbs! Needed it today. Love you!

  3. Wow! I really needed that today. Being a mom is draining and hard-work, and today was extra rough in my house, so this really gave me perspective. Thanks for being a great example and sharing your words with the world.

  4. Great message in your post! I totally agree with you in the fact that serving others brings us joy. As Christians we are called to serve and love one another. The more we listen to what God says and serve others, the more fulfilled and happier we’ll be in the end.

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