Tonight I’ll be posting this fabulous Day of the Dead makeup tutorial. To get y’all excited, I thought I’d show a little teaser and put up the floral crown tutorial first. Keep an eye out for the sugar skull video cause it’ll be up before the end of the night — even if it kills me!
The rest of the tutorial after the jump!
So I’m not a florist and I have no idea what any of these flowers are called. Except… I think two of them are roses? Haha, see what you’re dealing with?! I’ll do my very best to explain what I did and what I used but in the end it was just whatever looked good to me and whatever was easiest. I debated on whether or not to use hot glue or if I should figure out some other way to make it look more legit and professional but I’m really happy I went the hot glue route. It was suuuuper easy and this flower crown is STURDY. Plus once it’s on your head you honestly cannot see what’s going on in the back so… there ya go. My justification I guess!
You’re going to want one super large flower and then two large flowers as your base. I chose a super large purple flower and then two large red flowers. Then you’re going to get a bunch, and when I say bunch, I mean you’ll pay for one thing (see, total professional over here… you were warned) of flowers and then cut each flower off the one stem you bought. Following along? K good. You’ll want one bunch of a smaller type flower (the deep lavender and purple flowers are the smaller type flower) and then one bunch of a tall flower (the white, light purple flowers). Hopefully you can tell from the picture below what you’re looking for at the store. I got these flowers all at Micheals during their 50% off sale but it still wasn’t cheap. I think I ended up spending around $30…
Now you’re just gonna get hot glue happy. I put the headband on my head, and decided where I wanted the first flower to lay. I wanted everything pretty heavy to one side so that’s what I did. Holding the flower in place, I removed the headband and glued where the flower was on the band. You’re going to use a big dollop or two of glue and hold it in place until it dries completely.
Next, you’re going to put the headband on,figure out where you want the second flower to lay, and glue it on.
Repeat. Put the headband on again, take your third large flower and place it where you feel it looks best. Hold onto the stem on the headband and glue it in place.
So far…
And then you’re going to put your headband on and just play around with the other flowers and figure out where they look best on the crown. I chose to use the two taller flowers on the ends of the crown, I liked them sticking out, and then I used the smaller flowers to just kind of fill it in. Then you’re going to hot glue the stems as best you can.
And a nice little collage for your Pinterest board in case you’d like to remember this for some other time 🙂 What do we think? Do you like it?! I’d love some feedback. I spend a lot of time on all of these tutorials and your comments are the motivation to keep producing more! xoxo
thank you so much for the tutorial. I watched both the hairpiece and makeup. On the rhinestones did you use lash adhesive or do they already have sticky stuff and how well did they stay?
The big purple flower is a hydrangea – LOL!
Love all your tutorials – keep ’em coming!
Beautiful! Thanks so much for posting this!! Where did you get the plastic headbands?
Thanks! Just at micheals!
ABBY!! I’m doing this on myself and Rhett got a day of the dead/mariachi costume! I’m SSSOOOOO excited! Can’t wait to show you the pictures! We haven’t done Halloween, like….ever….so it’s going to be awesome. Hopefully it doesn’t freak my kids out. Haha!
ahhhh!!! That’s awesome!!!! Make SURE to show me, I can’t wait!
I love this! I feel so inspired for Halloween. My school here in Korea is throwing a Halloween party for the kids. They would be so surprised and curious if I come as a sugarskull 🙂
Abby you’re so talented! I’m inspired to get massively creative for my costume this year now! I always look forward to your posts and videos all week long; keep up the great work! You’re such an inspiration and have helped me love my hair to the fullest!
This is amazing! I have been pinning Halloween ideas for a while now, but I’m so convinced this is my costume, that I went straight to Michaels to buy everything. :). The flowers are currently 50% off in my city too. Can’t wait for the makeup tutorial. Xoxo
haha so funny! I’m so glad you were inspired! Make sure to send me a pic when you’re finished with it!