This. Is. My. FAVORITE hairstyle EVER!!!! These beach waves are so gorgeous and make for the perfect summer style. They look effortless and natural, the texture is amazing and well, you can’t NOT feel pretty wearing them which is always a good thing! These pictures were taken before I actually filmed the tutorial. My hair needed to be washed so I thought I’d sleep in the buns to see how they turned out. When I woke up and realized they were amazing I took the photos and then re-created the look. I actually prefer the curls on hair that’s not freshly washed and it takes so much less time when you just sleep in the buns vs drying it with a blow dryer. Blowing the hair dry works great but I did notice it had a tiny bit less volume and because my hair was so clean I needed a lot more texturizing spray. The differences were minute, but I still thought I’d share in case you were having any of those issues when you blew it dry!
I tried this style like 10 times before I found a way that worked, so if you have any questions or your beach waves are turning out a little bit weird let me know in the comments and hopefully I can come up with a fix for you. Once you get it though it’s awesome! These really are just the prettiest curls ever and so much fun for summer!
Annnnd the beach waves tutorial, because I love ya! Have you subscribed to my youtube channel yet?! If you like this hairstyle and you want to see a couple more, make sure to check out my hairstyle gallery here. This Bohemian braided bun is one of my favorites and also this summer twists hairstyle is a great one to wear to the beach!
love this hair style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where is your shirt from? So cute!