10 Prompts for Deep Conversations with Your Partner

At the end of a long day with the kids, it’s easy to just want to sit and veg in front of the tv or your phone, right? Our brains are tired, our bodies are tired, and we just want a break. While I think everyone needs to veg out sometimes, I also believe that we can use this time in a better way. Why not use your quiet time to have deep conversations with your partner? 

Let's Talk! 10 questions to spark deep conversations with your partner. www.twistmepretty.com

Why you should have deep conversations with your partner

If you are in a relationship, you know how important it is to share your thoughts and feelings with your partner regularly. Communication between partners is key to a loving, happy relationship that lasts. While we can’t control our partner’s happiness or choices, we can create an environment that encourages lots of communication. When you and your partner both feel safe and heard, you will see a difference in your relationship. 

Since my divorce, I’ve had time to look back and see where I wish we could have changed things. While I don’t believe in living in the past, there are always lessons to be learned from it. I know for me and my fiancĂ©, Matt, we have talked a lot about how we want our marriage to look and we are constantly working on our communication with each other. 

To help all of us put down the phone and the remote, I’ve got some suggestions. 

Here are 10 prompts for deeper conversations with your partner

These questions are just a jumping off point to get you thinking. I hope they help all of you have more deep conversations with your partner. In the hustle and bustle of every day life, it’s easy to forget why you are with the one you love. Whether you have kids together or both have demanding jobs, life gets crazy. You may forget to show your partner that you love them.

Even those who have been married or together for years need to remember why they fell in love in the first place. I look at couples that have been married for 50 years and are still deeply in love, and I am in awe. The commitment and dedication they have to each other is amazing to see. Do you know anyone like this? I know this is a goal of mine. I look forward to sitting with Matt in 50 years and still being deeply in love with him. 

The great thing about simple exercises like this, is that you can do them at any time. Pick a few and use them to start a conversation in the car, before bed, or on your next date! You never know what you’re going to find out. What other questions would you add to this list? 

I’d like to challenge you to Level Up your relationships by asking deeper questions and really listening to your partner’s answers. If you haven’t joined our challenge yet, there’s still time! Find out more details HERE, follow along on my Instagram page and Level Up Your Life!

10 prompts for deep conversations with your partner www.twistmepretty.com
10 easy prompts to spark deep conversations with your spouse. www.twistmepretty.com
10 ideas for deep conversations with your partner. www.twistmepretty.com

Abby Smith

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