Today I am excited to have my friend Dani, from the Dani Marie blog, back on. This time she is sharing her 5 simple life hacks to make things easier. If you haven’t read her last post, hop on over and check out her secret tip for making mornings smoother. You are going to love it.
5 Simple Hacks to Make Life Simpler
Life is hard enough on its own without any curve balls thrown at you, don’t you agree? Then it just gets a little crazier when your little one poops at the park and you realize you DON’T HAVE ANY DIAPERS OR WIPES… Or the days that you drive your kids to school, they go to hop out of the car and say “mom, where’s my lunchbox?”, at home on the counter… Yep, that has happened… Anyone else have a similar stories? As I run into these little hiccups of life I have found some simple solutions that make things just a little bit easier when they do come and I’m excited to share some of them with you to hopefully help you with those hiccups too!
Have An “Accidents” Bag in Your Car
This is one of the best things that I have ever done. In the back of our Buick we have a reusable bag that is full of a couple pair of undies for my 4 year old, a couple pair of shorts/pants (the super cheap kinds you can find at Target or Walmart), a pack of wipes, and a pack of diapers. It has saved us so. many. times. that it isn’t even funny. No matter where we are we always have the essentials for diaper changes or accidents.
Have a Snacks Bag of Healthy Snacks
I have a big Ziploc baggie in the back of my car filled with healthy snacks. It has things like granola bars, apple sauce packets, juice boxes, etc. in it. This is perfect for when either you forget your little one’s lunch and you can hurry and grab some healthy options from the back or if you get stuck somewhere and your kids or yourself (let’s be honest because I am always hungry) need a snack!
Things for Kids to Do
I can’t be the only one who has had a flat tire, been stuck in awful traffic, or had something go wrong with my car that I have to wait for someone to help me. In the back of my car I have some coloring books for my kids, books, and a few activity boards that they can do. We even have some construction paper, a glue stick, and little scissors because my little boy loves to make “art” as he calls it. This also always comes in handy when we get to a doctors appointment and my kids need something to do while we wait.
Prepackaged Snacks
All the sudden you look at the clock and realize you are supposed to be somewhere in 5 minutes and it takes you 15 to get there. Your kids are hungry and there is no time to make them something, sound familiar? I love prepackaging up snacks and having them ready to go whether it be in my pantry or my fridge. When those moments come, your kid is running to dance or soccer practice, or you have somewhere to be they can quickly grab something to eat and you can be out the door quick!
Have A Spot
This one is probably the hardest for my little boy to grasp but we are working on it. We have a “spot” for everything that he needs. Whether it is school, soccer, etc., he has a place. For example: when he gets home from school he has to put his backpack in it’s spot. This helps him the next morning because it is right where it needs to be. Soccer cleats and shin guards have a bag hanging in the garage that they go in as soon as he gets done playing, etc. This makes everything easier to find when you need it, however it does take a little bit of time to get your little ones in the groove of it.
I hope that these little hacks help to make life a little bit simpler for your family and help to make the inevitable hiccups of life a little bit easier. I would love to know if you have any hacks that are life changing!
“Hi! My name is Dani Marie Krum, unless you’re my mom then my name is Danielle. I am the mama to two littles, King who is four and is the fire and adventure in our house & Lettie who is one and is our peace and calm. I am a pediatric nurse and worked in home care for 7 years until my special needs little brother Matt passed away and I haven’t returned to working quite yet. I love to work out in the mornings (okay, I actually don’t love it but I do love the way it makes me feel and sets up my entire day) and love to binge watch the Kardashians & Bachelor while eating Double Stuff El Fudges in bed. Sharing all about my family, strong willed littles, postpartum depression, anxiety, and so much more is what my site is about and I am so beyond excited to be here at Twist Me Pretty!“
You can find Dani at her blog, Dani Marie Blog, or on her social media: Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!