Ummm… can we all just talk about how it is August and school is starting again? I swear this summer flew by and generally they go super slow for my little family. Let’s just say that we thrive hard core on a routine in our lives. At our house we start getting back into our school routine come August first even though King doesn’t start preschool until September third. Over the past couple years we have found a few things that have helped us with our routine – well let’s be honest, mostly in the mornings because we are the kind of people who like to sleep in and have slow moving mornings. I’m excited to share these tips with you in hopes that they can help you to have a smoother morning when school starts too!
Start Your Routine Early
Starting your routine a few weeks before school starts will help you & your kids be ready for the earlier mornings and the earlier bedtime too. At our house, Zach says I’m crazy but we start our back to school routine come August first. I want plenty of time to work out some of the kinks, get bedtime routines back down, and start implementing getting dressed right away in the mornings, etc. I like to think that it helps to start early because when school actually starts there aren’t so many changes for my kids.
Prepare the Night Before
This is one that I still need to perfect and I think it will come easier when the whole bedtime routine situation is settled and my little boy isn’t up until 10:00 anymore. Preparing everything the night before takes away a lot of the chaos int he mornings. I like to get most of my little boys lunch ready to go (excluding his sandwich), make sure shoes are by the back door, clothes are ready on his dresser, his backpack is ready to go, and a few other things. This helps a TON in the mornings because things are set and ready vs everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I also make sure that King helps me to get things ready like his backpack, shoes, etc. so eh is learning responsibility too.
Wake Up Before Your Kids
This is one that I have started and while I hate it when it first starts, it is the best thing in the entire world. There is just something about waking up early, exercising, or getting something done in the mornings before your little humans are running around needing you. It also gives me time to collect my thoughts and even get a few things ready to go so things are calm and collected when the little humans wake up.
Make a Hairstyle Book
This one is one that I learned from experience growing up. I would wake up late in elementary school and cry and cry in the bathroom that I didn’t know what to do with my hair. My dad made me take a bunch of different pictures of easy hairstyles and put them in sheet protectors in a 3-ring binder. Then when I was running late in the mornings I would open the book and pick from there. It simplified my getting ready time because I didn’t have to think about how to do my hair. (You can find my tutorial for this simple under 5 minute pony tail here)
I hope these little tips help to make your mornings run smoother and help you to have a good routine set into place. They have been game changing for my little family and have completely changed the way that our mornings function. Mornings are hard, so anything that can make them a little bit easier is golden in my book!